Correlation in crowdsourced NPS assay data


26 Jan 2023

A correlation appears to exist between the minimum common oral dosage and the maximum common oral dosage for all the substances listed on psychonaut and tripsit, for which the necessary information is available. This represents a total of 453 dosage pairs. The Pearson coefficient is equal to 0.98. This suggests that the maximum common oral dose can be estimated from the minimum common oral dose and vice versa, with the formulas:

oral.dose.common.max=1.77 * oral.dose.common.min + 2.95
oral.dose.common.min= 0.56 * oral.dose.common.max - 1.67

Be careful with this simplistic generality, you can explore the many counter examples in the graph above. It is also possible that the data was entered with a similar rule in mind and therefore does not reflect any biological truth.